Sleep Seminars
I run virtual and in-person seminars and workshops to help participants overcome sleep challenges. I provide education and easy to implement strategies that will help improve individual and family sleep.
All Seminars Include:
✓live/virtual speaking engagment with Jessica, Sleep Educator
✓live Q&A for you to have your sleep questions answered
Infant Sleep Foundations
My goal in this seminar is to meet families where they are by providing education and guidance that prioritize both infant and mama’s sleep.
In this 1-hour seminar participants will learn:
✓science of infant sleep ✓age-appropriate sleep expectations and sample schedules ✓sleep and wake windows for different ages ✓settling techniques to optimize sleep ✓healthy sleep foundations to support both infant and mama’s sleep
Healthy Sleep Habits for Kids
In this seminar, you will learn practical strategies to address family sleep challenges and evidence-based routines that help support healthy sleep habits for your family.
In this 1-hour seminar participants will learn:
✓age-appropriate sleep recommendations ✓how to troubleshoot common issues such as early wakes, challenging or drawn-out bedtimes, nap refusal or anxiety around independent sleep ✓evidence-based routines to support healthy sleep
Reset your sleep for adults
In this seminar for adults, you will learn how to identify and overcome sleep challenges by discovering how your sleep system works and sleep promoting behaviours to optimize sleep.
In this 1-hour seminar participants will learn:
✓the science of sleep ✓common sleep thieves ✓evidence-based strategies to optimize sleep ✓manageable lifestyle recommendations to improve sleep quality